“If you want to say “in a class by itself” with slightly more class, grab for this handy Latin phrase, which means literally “of its own kind.“” from Visual Thesaurus Word of the Day.
Can we think we are sui generis, speak like we are and act like we are, if we believe what we are doing is? Is the work you are doing best in class? Who is doing it better? What can I do to become that much better?
I see this in many organizations. They are doing remarkable work but no one knows it because they refuse to ‘blow their own horn’. They refuse to think about themselves as being the best in their field. If we become what we believe, is it possible that we become mediocre by not thinking, speaking and acting like we are amazing?
Do I need to improve? -Sure I do on every front. But seeking to get better shouldn’t preclude me from believing in myself, telling others and then delivering the very best me that I can.
My challenge, for me, (and you) is to spend the next 168 hours believing, speaking and acting like I am top-notch, top-drawer, tip-top, a-one, five-star, first-rate and watching how it rubs off on me and others.
Be Sui Generis Today,