We all know that the end of one month and the beginning of another is an arbitrary landmark created by the creation of the calendar. But as February 29 brings to an end an exciting month for so many readers who committed to lifting and struggling their way out of mediocrity and misery, it is time to reflect. Where has the month lead? Did you smile more often? Laugh spontaneously? Share your heart with a friend?
Was a goal reached? Did you build on something important and start something BIG?
How many new people did you meet and how many old friends did you reach out to?
What will March bring? In most places, in the north, spring is either in full force or on its way. Is there a sense of creation and regrowth bubbling in you? Have you planted enough seeds of opportunity or do you need to get sowing?
Remember to breathe new life into each day. Remember to practice appreciation and be kind. Remember to practice self care, get into nature, share a burden, and do something for someone else. Do something for the first time and then try doing it a different way.
I hope and pray that you will be everything that you sense you can be. Someone stringer and more confident and definitely more fun. As the old saying goes ” Always be yourself. unless you can be a pirate and then be a pirate. Aargh.”