It doesn’t get any easier. When you have been mired in the muck of mediocrity and misery for a season or two it erodes the ability and willingness to trust ourselves, others and the goodness around us.
All sacred text speak about the power of a little bit of trust. “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” ~ Matthew 17:20
I don’t know if trust can move mountains but it can surely move hearts; ours and others. Broken or damaged trust, in others or ourselves, can be repaired with honesty and time. When you learn to trust your feelings and trust your inner wisdom , then you become trustworthy of yourself. You don’t ignore your instincts, and start listening to what you know in your heart and soul.
To have trust you need to choose to trust. In order to be trusted you need to become trustworthy. Fortunately, both those choices are in your hands.
Make Today Remarkable, by trusting yourself and someone else,