As you continue to spend time in breathing practice, it is time to begin appreciation practice. Appreciation has a couple of meanings, both of which are important; a fully and deep understanding of the situation and the recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something.
“Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses and disappointments; but let us have patience and we soon shall see them in their proper figures.”
~ Joseph Addison
Again,I remind you that first steps are hard to take even when they may not be difficult to do. Today you take a second step towards hope and possibility.
To begin, I am not asking you to be grateful or express gratitude, not yet. This exercise is about understanding and recognition. It is a head practice not a heart (that will come later). Today we begin training our senses; sight, hearing, taste, touch to fully understand what is in front of us.
- grab a pen and paper. you will need this every morning
- take 5 minutes to consider one aspect of your life – emotional, relational, financial …
- in more than 5 and less than 15 words meaningfully describe reality (as you currently see it) of the situation
- find at least one good quality in the situation and write it in ALL CAPS
- Repeat the good quality three times and repeat it again throughout the day
- Repeat tomorrow
That’s it a second step taken. Your commitment to changing your life has begun. You have started taking control. Mediocrity and misery won’t like what you are doing so be mindful that they may go on the offensive and try sabotage your steps. When you feel the challenge pressing – breathe and repeat the ALL CAPS good quality three times.
Step 3, tomorrow,