Does truth have a shelf life? Can/will everything we hold to be true eventually be disputed and ‘disproved’? How much of your world today still holds onto ‘facts’ that you learned in elementary school? How much will still pass a veracity and authenticity test in 20 years?
Are you like me? I try to hold onto my truth bias as gospel until the last second and then surrender to the new certainty. I wiggle and squirm for quite a while to confirm what I believe in the face of contradiction. When the tipping point happens I can two- facedly expound on the new honest to goodness truth.
If my exactitude and rightness is so malleable why do I grasp and defend with such persistence? I think it is about my foundation. I have pretty good sea legs when I am afloat but appreciate getting back on solid ground. It is exhausting (or it feels exhausting) fighting the swell and stepping onto a dock seems secure.
What if the only way to continue the journey is to get a bit wobbly and then trust that your values, experience and gifts will keep you safe in the sea of change? I have, on occasion, trusted and found the next leg in my adventure to be exciting and impactful.
Very little happens if you stand on the dock too long. Step out and set yourself adrift for the next exciting experience.