Every day I have opportunities to be better than yesterday. Different in some small way. Smarter in relationships. More patient in trying circumstances. More persistent in trying circumstances. On the days that I take small steps, I usually succeed. When I try to jump the shark and take one giant step I usually fail.
My life has been a small step, small step, side step, small step, back step, big step journey. Yet, there are times each day that I attempt a flying leap over the first or last crevice. I am lucky to grab the other side and fortunate when I don’t get hurt falling in the hole.
Are you taking small steps towards your 2016 goals? Are you aware of the opportunities that you face each day and the chance to do something slightly different/better?
I am back believing that all our boundaries are malleable and need testing in every situation. Take one more trip around the track, one more lap in the pool, one more email to a friend, one more glass of water and another serving of vegetables. Take another small step today, tomorrow and all your tomorrows.