Generally I would say all reasonable goals are achievable but just like the serenity prayer I have a discernment problem.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,The courage to change the things I can,And the wisdom to know the difference. My problem is that haven’t mastered the wisdom part.
I have been chasing some goals, that I still believe are reasonable but progress towards them has slowed or ceased. For example, I set a goal of running a sub 25 minute 5k. Seems possible even though 2 years ago I was running around 35 minutes and that I am not 61 years old. In the first few months my time fell and my pace went up. I plateaued at 30 minutes for a while and took up some coaching to break the next barrier. I can run under 29 most days and ran 27:35 in an October race but haven’t broke 28 minutes since.
I understand that there are so many circumstances at play – rest, nutrition, elevation, motivation, injury but I am disappointed that the progression hasn’t been on my schedule.
Should I let the disappointment deter me from chasing the goal – I don’t think so because the happiness is actually in the pursuit of stretch goals. (there is another circumstance – should I stretch before or after or both). Maybe what I am learning is that my other goals that I easily achieved were too easy.
How about you? Are you chasing goals that exceed your immediate grasp?
Make Today Remarkable, in the happiness of pursuit,