SimpleTruth offers 101 Simple Cooking Tips. I do some of the food preparation in our home and the biggest struggle for me is deciding what to prepare. Once that choice is made, the rest seems to fall into place. I don’t do a good job following recipes but I think I do a good job.
Back to 101 simple Tips.
7.Clean as you go! I am a neatener who constantly makes little inroads into the mess I am making.
16. The most versatile and important tool is a sharp chef’s knife. I am still struggling with this and have tried to learn the art of edging and honing but seem to be failing miserably.
22. Always taste your food before seasoning.
54. Honey is a natural preservative and will never spoil. It also works to reduce seasonal allergies if the source of nectar is from the same general area as you.
88. Always, always, always measure when baking. Baking is a science and any wrong measurements can be disastrous. I can attest to this (see preamble).
- And always remember – keep it simple!
Make Today Tasty,